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Blink Option Support to IE/Chrome/Mozilla Firefox :

Blinking Text !!!!


<script type="text/javascript">
function bringBackBlinky() {
if (swi == 1) {
else {
for(i=0;i<na.length;i++) {
setTimeout("bringBackBlinky()", spe);


<blink> BEST!!! </blink>

-We set the speed in our spe variable to half a second (500 milliseconds).
-We store all blink tags on the page into our array variable na.
-We set our variable swi to 1 to start things off.
-We call our Blinky function.
-We write our function...
---If our var swi equals 1, set it to 0 and set our variable shoto "visible".
---The next time our function is called, swi will be set to 0 and the next condition will execute.
---Our next condition says set swi back to 1, and set sho to "hidden".

-Now we get clever by looping for each <blink> tag (na.length has that value)
-We use our variable i as the index number of our array na.
-We use Javascript's built-in style method and set the visibilityproperty to our variable sho.
-The sho variable will toggle back and forth between "hidden" and "visible" each time it is called when we...
-Use setTimeout to call our function again with our spe variable plugged in.

NOTE: The for loop is changing all the <blink> tags on the page to visible or hidden.

I warned it wasn't good learning code :)

To make some text blink in Safari AND Windows IE, you are sort of limited, but I did come up with a little snippet that works for one word...

INTERRUPT: I couldn't accept that I couldn't make it work for both, so I dug in some more and came up with a way to make it work. SO NOW, the above example will work with <blink> tags, the following example will work with name tags, <a name=mi>, substituting mi for whatever your HTML name attributes are set to. Then just set the NameOfYourTags variable in the top of the script.

NOTE: To make it work for Safari, the script needs to come AFTER the text, otherwise the tags are not grabbed by Javascript'sgetElementByName.

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